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Stewards Individual Placement Program

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  • Vista Sheldon

    Arbor Day Los AngelesV


    AmeriCorps VISTA Carlos Naranjo has had a busy first two months of national service. Carlos is serving with North East Trees, a nonprofit in Los Angeles, CA that is working with the local communities to bring nature back to their urban environment. 

  • Gip

    Member Spotlight: GIP Mariah Radue, Yosemite National Park

    Scientists in Parks

    Mariah Radue, at Yosemite National Park had a productive and meaningful term with the Geoscientist-in-the-Parks (GIP) program. Her primary projects were incredibly valuable to the park as she was focused on estimating long-term erosion rates in Yosemite Valley.

  • Cva

    CVA Lei De Vera at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Lei De Vera, a current Community Volunteer Ambassador (CVA) serving at the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area hosted a volunteer opportunity with The University of Nevada for the entirety of Spring Break. 

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    Finding the Purpose of Service at Mount Rainier

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    “Wow, aren’t you just living the dream.” A statement I have heard countless times since I became the Community Volunteer Ambassador at Mount Rainier National Park. 

  • Nps Gip Mooji Boldbaatar Newsletter Content January 2019

    Member Spotlight: Mooji Boldbaatar, Geoscientists-in-the-Parks

    Scientists in Parks

    February 7, 2019 |  During Mooji’s time with the National Park Service Air Resources Division, Mooji had the opportunity to work on projects focused on topics she is passionate about. 

  • Stevens

    Member Spotlight: Robert Stevens, National Heritage Areas ProgramS

    National Park Service

    February 7, 2019 |  Robert Stevens served in a unique position in the Stewards Program as an intern for the National Park Service’s National Heritage Areas program. 

  • Hptc 2

    Historic Preservation at Fort Pulaski National Monument

    NPS Historic Preservation & Training Center

    February 7, 2019 |  Now in her second term based at Fort Pulaski National Monument in with the Historic Preservation Training Center, Hannah Murphey continues to deepen and develop her preservation skills.

  • Co Vista 3

    Stewards VISTAs Work Collaboratively to Protect Federally Protected Gunnison Sage-GrouseC

    February 7, 2019 |  Two AmeriCorps VISTAs serving in Western Colorado have joined forces to protect the Gunnison Sage-Grouse. 

  • Counts 1

    Solar Opportunities Abound in Southwest Virginia


    February 7, 2019 |  VISTA  member Austin Counts, serving at Appalachian Voices in Southwest Virginia, has been focusing his service on helping area residents access solar energy, reduce electricity bills, and lessen their reliance on fossil fuels. 

  • Pace Newsletter November 2018 Gip 2

    Member Spotlight: McKenna Pace, Cabrillo National Monument (Geoscientist-in-the-Park)

    Scientists in Parks

    November 11, 2018 | While completing her GIP position at Cabrillo National Monument (California), McKenna Pace honed her native species identification skills and also increased her knowledge of education techniques through the development and implementation of the Science Explorer’s Club – a volunteer-led program that introduces visitors to the science of the Monument.
