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Stewards Individual Placement Program

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  • Chike

    Chike Lands a Job

    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

    August 5, 2019 |  The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) and the Stewards Program have a years-long partnership through which dozens of interns and AmeriCorps members have gained experience with the agency. 

  • Monarch 2

    Monarch Butterflies and Citizen Science

    In a time of conflict in our nation, where every issue is controversial and multi-faceted, at least one thing can unite us: monarch butterflies. Butterflies have been used for thousands of years in religions and societies across the world to symbolize the human soul, transformation, renewal or rebirth, the journey to the afterlife, or death.

  • Cenotaph Activity At Y O U

    Meet me Halfway: Engaging Youth in a Place-Based ActivityC

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    The New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park sees thousands of kids each year. However, out of those large numbers, very few of them attempt to make another visit. As a CVA I am tasked with connecting our youth population while transferring historical and cultural knowledge to them. 

  • Img 0709

    Journey to the National Park Service

    As a CVA, between attending community events, doing outreach, and training student interns, I often have my hands full. But I enjoy every minute. When I found out about my selection to serve as the park CVA, I was very excited. I knew what my first project was going to be right away

  • Morgan Taking Pictures Updated

    Fish On!

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    What makes an event successful? Can an event be successful if only one person shows up? Can it be successful if you end up far short of your goal of number of trees planted? What if everyone needs to shelter in vehicles because of a storm for more than half of the time of your event?

  • Science Sunday 3

    Reflection Time on Science Sundays

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    It felt good to be able to experience, first hand, a program which I played a small part in creating. It was such a fantastic feeling to see it come to life after watching those who made it possible work so hard during its creation.

  • For What It's Worth

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Even though it is now 2019, Young’s words speak truth to power, in that 1 in 5 young people live with diagnosed learning differences and attention issues according to a new study by the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). Of this statistic, I am one and want to see change in the way we address the stigma of coping with such challenges.

  • Srt At Colt Memorial 2

    A Week With Colt, or Why are We Here?

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Connecticut has some of the strongest opponents to guns in their government. Hartford is plagued with gun violence and gangs. It is about an hour away from Sandy Hook. And we are a park that mainly focuses on the accomplishments of a gun manufacturer. What does that mean to this community?

  • Carole Logo Jpeg

    Building a Sense of Belonging on Washington's Coast

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    There is a disconnect between the National Park Service and communities who have historically been excluded or not represented in the park service workforce. As an urban park in Seattle, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (KLSE) has a unique opportunity to facilitate urban community groups’ involvement with Washington state's traditional ‘nature’ national parks.

  • Emma

    River Watch with RTCA Fellow Emma Lord

    Emma Lord is a Fellow with the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program and is based in New Hampshire. This is Emma’s third term of service with RTCA, where she focuses on assisting the National Park Service with Wild and Scenic River projects.  
