EPCAMR Welcomes and Hosts AmeriCorps State & National Member Volunteer Morgan Romanowski For A Year of Coalfield Community Service
September 10th, 2024 - The Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR) is sponsoring an AmeriCorps State and National Member Volunteer, Morgan Romanowski, until September 5, 2025, through a partnership between the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement (OSMRE), AmeriCorps, and the Stewards Individual Placement Program (SIPP), a Program of Conservation Legacy. We’re proud to be a national non-profit partner in Pennsylvania.
Source: Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR)
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Intern Spotlight: Olivia Smith
August 27, 2024 - Meet Olivia Smith, who is a corps member with the National Parks of Boston Climate Conservation Corps through Conservation Legacy!
Source: National Park Service
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Community Volunteer Ambassadors: National Early Service Training held in Fort Collins, CO
April 25, 2024 - The Community Volunteer Ambassadors (CVAs) from the Winter 2024 Cohort recently traveled to Fort Collins, CO for National Early Service Training (NEST). From March 18th to March 22nd, these dedicated CVAs immersed themselves in training led by a team from Conservation Legacy, Rocky Mountain National Park, and the Washington Support Office. This capstonr event not only fostered camaraderie among peers but also equipped them with essential skills for their roles in supporting Volunteers-In-Parks program at their respective sites.
Source: National Park Service
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Stewards Individual Placements Program celebrates 20 years of AmeriCorps VISTA programming
VISTABeckley, WV | March 11, 2022 Stewards Individual Placements Program kicks off the celebration of 20 years of AmeriCorps VISTA programming during AmeriCorps week, March 13-19, 2022.
Source: AmeriCorps VISTA
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AmeriCorps VISTA Helps Tribal Members Pursue Federal Employment
VISTA"Andrew worked to advocate for tribal members to successfully obtain employment in Glacier. He worked with Blackfeet Manpower, one of Glacier’s partner organizations, by helping individuals navigate USAJobs, build their resumes, and apply for jobs."
Gaining New Experiences Through Historic Preservation
NPS Historic Preservation & Training Center"...we aim to preserve as much of the historic wood as possible. In doing so, we were consciously using wood that had developed idiosyncrasies over the years, making the doors unlevel and not square. Sanding the new-wood veneers for sections of the doors that we couldn’t reasonably save insured that the remaining wood was undamaged by such a tool as a planer.”
Bringing Parks to the People When People Can’t Get to the Parks
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance"Thanks to this fellowship, Ember knows exactly what kind of work she wants to devote her life to, and she has met lifelong friends in the process. Ember recently started attending graduate school for a master's degree in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication, accompanied by a partnership-based graduate assistantship."
Making a Difference for Endangered Species
Scientists in Parks"[Nora] ran daily beach patrols across 20+ miles of beach to search for newly laid sea turtle nests. Every time a new sea turtle tracks were spotted, she would determine whether the crawl was a false crawl (meaning no nest was laid), or if the mother turtle did in fact create a nest and lay eggs."
Abandoned Mines, Paleontology, and Maps at Joshua Tree National Park
Scientists in ParksMegan Gross recently wrapped up her second term at Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR) as a Paleontology Assistant with the Geoscientists-in-the-Parks (GIP) program. Megan’s favorite activities as a GIP were assisting in the Abandoned Mineral Lands (AML) projects that were scheduled for fall 2019 and spring 2020.
Stewards VISTA Helps Bring Awareness to Historic Site
VISTAShinara started her VISTA service in July 2019 and finds it very encouraging to see how important the documentation work she does for San Antonio Missions is for the park in order to continue the assessment process. Shinara’s VISTA service with Stewards is in a unique situation...She is using her VISTA year as part of her requirements on her master’s degree.