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Stewards Individual Placement Program


River Watch with RTCA Fellow Emma Lord


Representing the River Management Society at the National Outdoor Recreation Conference (NORC) in Burlington, VT

Emma Lord is a Fellow with the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program and is based in New Hampshire. This is Emma’s third term of service with RTCA, where she focuses on assisting the National Park Service with Wild and Scenic River projects.  

One of the long-term projects Emma is working on involves the York River, 11.3 miles plus tributaries, in southern Maine is currently undergoing a three-year study process to be eligible for designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Emma has been helping the NPS and partners by writing the first draft of the NPS York Wild and Scenic River Study Report. This report will document the communities’ level of support of the York River Stewardship Plan and designation. 

 When asked about the project Emma said,  

The study process, documents, and possible designation will directly help to protect the nation’s natural, cultural, and historic resources, and I am glad that I can be a part of the study process/designation process. 

Stewards is very excited to see how Emma’s project progresses over the course of her third term.