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Stewards Individual Placement Program

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Archive 2019

40 Results
  • Cva Nicolson Cover

    Opportunity is Often Disguised as Work: Zion’s Volunteer Voyage 2019

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Dec. 6, 2019 | “Opportunity is often missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work. This, this was an opportunity. Thank you.”

  • Me In Uniform

    Abraham Lincoln and Johnny Appleseed

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Nov. 26, 2019 | Before becoming a CVA, I knew the importance of volunteering and the fantastic impact it has on the community. Volunteering is the perfect example of giving back to others, and when approached with the idea of becoming a CVA, I had to jump at the opportunity. 

  • Starry Skies

    Starry Skies


    November 13, 2019 |    VISTA member Lindsay Brandt is serving her AmeriCorps term with the Voyageurs National Park Association in Minneapolis, MN. Lindsay’s work is focused on engaging the public with the park and developing partnerships. 

  • Candelaria Newsletter Content October 2019

    Water WorksC

    Bureau of Indian Affairs WaterCorps Program

    November 13, 2019 |    Jonathon Candelaria served as a WaterCorps intern through the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) with the San Felipe Pueblo Department of Natural Resources in New Mexico. One of his duties was to help convert the Pueblo’s windmill-powered wells to solar-powered wells.

  • Bia

    Forget GhostBusters – Call a BIA EnviroBuster!

    Bureau of Indian Affairs WaterCorps Program

    November 13, 2019 |    “I knew I was in the right place when our biologist, wearing his Ghost Buster looking electro-shocking backpack, gave confused onlookers a confident nod as we were on our way to sample some urban streams.  

  • Guis 1

    Put Through Their Paces

    National Park Service

    November 13, 2019 |    Stewards AmeriCorps Intern Kylie Decker had a busy summer. She, along with three other summer interns, began and ended their school breaks at very different places. 

  • Pays Nov 2019

    Planning Porta-Pottys and Preserving America

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    November 13, 2019 |    Since 2017, there have been 37 Preserve America Youth Summits, which provide on-site, interactive learning experiences for students and educators which engage them in the study of historic preservation, conservation, and heritage tourism. 

  • Getting Closer To Healing Newsletter Content Oct 2019

    Getting Closer to Healing


    November 13, 2019 |  9/11 Day of Service is an opportunity for AmeriCorps VISTA members to connect with other national service members and complete special projects outside of their normal duties. 

  • Eagle River Valley

    America's Greatest Idea

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    What do you want to do when you get older? This is a question I had been asked a lot while I was growing up as a young man. Naturally, my answer changed over time. My first answer was that I wanted to be Santa Claus. Then, over the years, I went through the rolodex of childhood career ideas; a firefighter, an astronaut, the president, etc. Working with the National Park Service wasn’t anywhere on my radar at the time.

  • Kendall And Volunteers

    Sentry Dogs and Volunteers

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    For centuries, we’ve been relying on our partnership with animals to enhance our safety. Between 1959 and 1974, 300 missile sites were active across the county.
