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Stewards Individual Placement Program

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Archive 2019

40 Results
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    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Representation matters, and while doing an education piece with a group of girl scouts recently I got reminded of how powerful it is to see yourself represented in intentional ways.

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    Mustering the Troops for Patriots Day

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    Minute Man National Historical Park tells the story of the first battle of The American Revolution. In April, the park holds different events to commemorate the battle that occurred on April 19th, 1775 over the course of two weeks. With Patriots Day being a holiday in Massachusetts, this becomes a very high visitation time for the park. Visitors come to the different programs and events that are happening at the park.

  • Cover Photo

    Small Actions

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    A beach park may seem like a vacation, but there’s so much more that goes on just below the surface. There is a lot of hard work that gets done at Assateague Island National Seashore. As our site’s CVA, I’m privileged to have a first-hand look at the hard work being done.

  • Rodney Flora Aug 2019

    The Joys of Bricklaying

    Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program

    August 5, 2019 |  Rodney Flora's job is a bit nostalgic - he uses traditional masonry techniques to build structures at historic National Park Service sites in the Mid-Atlantic region.

  • Henrietta Navajo Nasa Aug 2019

    NASA and the Navajo Nation

    Bureau of Indian Affairs WaterCorps Program

    August 5, 2019 |  Henrietta Marks is an AmeriCorps member serving in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) WaterCorps Program in Fort Defiance, Arizona with the Water Resources Branch of the Navajo Nation, and is tasked with assessing drought impact. 

  • Katie Stanley Aug 2019

    Little Time, Big Impact


    August 5, 2019 |  Current AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Associate, Katie Stanley is serving a 10-week term with the Piney Creek Watershed Association (PCWA) in Beckley, West Virginia. Only five weeks in to her service, Katie has been busy fostering environmental stewardship in her community. 

  • Chike

    Chike Lands a Job

    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

    August 5, 2019 |  The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) and the Stewards Program have a years-long partnership through which dozens of interns and AmeriCorps members have gained experience with the agency. 

  • Monarch 2

    Monarch Butterflies and Citizen Science

    In a time of conflict in our nation, where every issue is controversial and multi-faceted, at least one thing can unite us: monarch butterflies. Butterflies have been used for thousands of years in religions and societies across the world to symbolize the human soul, transformation, renewal or rebirth, the journey to the afterlife, or death.

  • Cenotaph Activity At Y O U

    Meet me Halfway: Engaging Youth in a Place-Based ActivityC

    Community Volunteer Ambassadors

    The New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park sees thousands of kids each year. However, out of those large numbers, very few of them attempt to make another visit. As a CVA I am tasked with connecting our youth population while transferring historical and cultural knowledge to them. 

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    Journey to the National Park Service

    As a CVA, between attending community events, doing outreach, and training student interns, I often have my hands full. But I enjoy every minute. When I found out about my selection to serve as the park CVA, I was very excited. I knew what my first project was going to be right away
