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Stewards Individual Placement Program


9/11 Day of Service


As you can see, these AmeriCorps VISTAs got their nature “dosage” in during this National Day of Service.

November 11, 2018 | September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance is the culmination of efforts, originally launched in 2002 that promotes community service on 9/11 as an annual and forward-looking tribute to the 9/11 victims, survivors, and those who rose up in service in response to the attacks.  It is an AmeriCorps VISTA requirement that each member serve in any capacity on this day.  AmeriCorps VISTA members often take this opportunity to participate in a hands-on project different from their normal capacity building service activities. In this case, Stewards VISTA member Rachel Young (Louisville Metro Parks & Recreation, KY), took to the loppers and headed out on an expedition to help eradicate invasive species. She and fellow local AmeriCorps VISTAs cleared a one-acre plot of non-native Honey Suckle to allow for native plant species to reclaim the forest floor.   

Part of Rachel’s year-long service project is to develop a system to track the number of hours youth spend in Louisville ECHO’s (educating children outdoors)programs. It is ECHO’s mission to provide cradle-to-career nature access to children and youth in their community, the Parks and Health Departments in Louisville have partnered to track nature “dosage.” One of the benefits of tracking nature “dosage” is to help Louisville ECHO find dedicated candidates, like these AmeriCorps VISTAs, for future careers within the conservation field.